
Union Christian College Magazine 2020 ‘Kuthivara’

Union Christian College Magazine 2020 ‘Kuthivara’

Magazine 2020 is the result of a one year long effort of the editor, Laya Jimmy (Student of Computer Science Department), and the Magazine committee. When creating the magazine, a clear cut vision had driven them to include all relevant issues that were present at that time. ‘Kuthivara’ translates to ‘scribbles’ and it represents chaos. There is no better word to describe the past year. The magazine was created amidst a time that was full of destruction, pain and uncertainty. But despite all this, the creators of the magazine decided to incorporate the feeling of hope- the collective emotion that reinforces the idea that we will survive all this chaos and come out of it stronger than ever. That, is the underlying motivation behind this magazine which also created history, as it was released by the first female editor of the 100 year old Union Christian College. A special congratulations to Laya Jimmy from Computer Science family.

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