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Outreach Programme – Govt.L.P.S, Chamapparambu and Govt.L.P.S, East Kadungalloor

Outreach Programme

As a part of the Outreach Programme, students of Computer Science visited two government schools namely, Govt.L.P.S, Chamapparambu and Govt.L.P.S, East Kadungalloor. They took classes to 1st  standard to 4th standard students on various topics like basics of computers, awareness on the merits and demerits of mobile phones and gave a basic knowledge about IOT, a very advanced topic in the area of Computer Science. Our students conducted an IT and general quiz for the students of schools and distributed prizes for the winners. They also conducted a memory test and taught the students how to remember the subjects they are studying without failure for their exams. The programme ended up with a game for the students.

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